Thank you for the shared time. Thank you for your overwhelming presence at this year’s Moving in November. Thank you for your precious feedback, your enthusiasm and for regularly sharing your reflections, thoughts, and emotions with us throughout the festival. We counted a total of 4.639 visitors.
How not to be left with a void after such an intensive 11-day festival, filled with countless conversations, encounters, and 75 events (including performances, publication launches, workshops and Soup Talks)? Once again, Moving in November provided a place to gather, to experience performing arts, but also to engage with one another, to spend time, share impressions and soup, concerns, emotions, and laughter.
Our wish and hope is that these moments of connection–through curiosity, listening in and exploring different ways of thinking and being–continue to resonate with all of us. That the connections made here are further explored and nourished, and that we all carry with us the experience of how important social spaces are in these times, to allow extensive time for exchange, getting to know one another, asking questions, thinking together, debating, agreeing and disagreeing.
For me it was, once again, a truly special moment to see the program unfold in front of my eyes– something that I had imagined for so long. To experience the connections between the works that I had thought of, when composing the program, and to see others appear. While revisiting the works and listening to the Soup Talks they started resonating with one another anew and other aspects got revealed. Imagination and personal stories that reflect on the often violent, careless, and unjust state of our world appeared as a strong bond connecting the works. The plea to imagine, and to continue imagining, emerged as a powerful thread.
While listening to feedback and reflections, I also realized how many emotions the presented works had set free, and how deeply touched many of you were.
It has been a pleasure to present this year’s program with artist from abroad and from Helsinki. Moving in November spanned across the city, offering an international program alongside the collaborative Focus on the Local Landscape. An edition that not only showed contemporary dance, but also engaged with other artistic disciplines–exploring the question “How do stories need to be told in today’s world and through which artistic forms?”
For now, a warm and big thank you to the artists and their lovely working groups, that presented their performances during this year’s festival! Namely: Ligia Lewis, Pontus Pettersson, Oblivia, Mette Edvardsen, Tiziano Cruz, Ola Maciejewska, Anne Naukkarinen, Milla Koistinen, Rébecca Chaillon, Maija Hirvanen, Cade & McAskill, Stina Nyberg, the Teak MA in dance artists-students and Renan Martins, Tiran Willemse, Liisa Pentti +Co, Reality Research Center, Calixto Neto, Anna Kozonina and also a warm thank you to the hosts of the Soup Talks and participants in the Soup Talk Panel for initiating the conversation: Maija Hirvanen, Gesa Piper, Laura Cemin, Tuuli Vahtola, Eurídice Hernandes, Chen Nadler & Tim Winter, Kadence Neill & Pierre Piton, Even Minn, Raphaël Beau, Sara Grotenfelt, Milla Koistinen, Anne Naukkarinen, Lydia Touliatou & Simo Kellokumpu, Geoffrey Erista and Patricia Scalco.
And equally a warm and big thank you to our partner venues for hosting and collaborating with us and to our funders for their important support!
We feel enriched by all the memories and encounters and hope they will carry you through the coming winter as well!
Kerstin Schroth & Moving in November team
P.S. Having a hard time that Moving in November is over? Here you can read the interviews with all invited artists and allow the festival after-glow to linger!