Choreographer and visual artist Sonja Jokiniemi will be opening her studio for the Moving in November audience.
During the four festival days, the artist will be working on a visual environment in Caisa that is open for the public daily from 12pm to 1pm.
The work will continue towards a new creation premiering at Moving in November festival in 2020.
Caisa, Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki
TUE 5.11.–FRI 8.11.2019
Open studio daily 12:00–13:00. Free entrance
FRI 8.11.2019 at 18:00
Discussion with Sonja Jokiniemi and Kerstin Schroth.
Free entrance
Sonja Jokiniemi
In collaboration with:
Sonja Jokiniemi: Howl (2019), photos Simo Karisalo