Memory Garden is a collection of recordings of childhood garden memories. It is an on-growing project initiated by Jared Gradinger and presented in Moving in November. These five minute recordings are available for listening through the link on the right. The project honors personal accounts of the gardens from our childhood reconnecting us to the lands we grew up with. These recordings are accessible anytime.

“I invite you to download or stream one or more memories as you walk down the street to your next appointment, as you sit on the train going home, or while walking through a park on a rainy autumn day. Each memory is a gift: to the rememberer, to you, to me, to Nature.
Love, Jared”

Jared Gradinger

Jared Gradinger is a choreographer, artist, performer, and gardener born in the USA and based in Berlin since 2002. He is an interdisciplinary artist working in the fields of performance, dance, social art, and Nature.