A true tale of love and transition told through the story of Pinocchio. Set in a fictional film studio, you are invited to go behind the scenes of Cade & MacAskill’s creative process and their relationship, and question what it takes to tell your truth. Artists and lovers Rosana Cade and Ivor MacAskill have been creating The Making of Pinocchio since 2018, alongside and in response to Ivor’s gender transition.  

From this simulated film-set staging emerges a deeply personal narrative—a true tale of love exploring the boundless realms of queer imagination and joy. With the central focus on a puppet who wants to be a real boy, The Making of Pinocchio encourages us to question what we mean by real: Does it mean moulding yourself into existing categories in order to be seen as real, is it an act of creating new categories and demands to be recognized as legitimate, or is the queer approach to deconstruct the very notion of real versus not real entirely? Within a couple, when one partner sheds their assigned gender identity to become a ‘real boy’, undertaking a series of social, physical and administrative changes in the process, the other person might find their own psyche and identity changing too. The Making of Pinocchio seamlessly navigates the realms of fantasy and authenticity, blending humour with intimacy both on stage and on screen. 

Rosana Cade (they/them) and Ivor MacAskill (he/him) are pioneering queer artists based in Glasgow, Scotland, renowned for their innovative approach to experimental theatre, live art, and queer cabaret. Their collaborative work spans film, children’s performance, site-specific installations, and socially engaged practices. 

They are passionate advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights and culture, infusing their creations with playful theatricality and unique sonic elements. Their project Moot Moot (2018), commissioned by Fierce-Birmingham, The Marlborough-Brighton, and The Yard-London, premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and toured across Europe. Beyond their artistic endeavours, they mentor LGBTQIA+ youth in Glasgow and are spearheading a cooperative for a new community space and second-hand shop.