Welcome back! Maybe you are dancing on somebody else’s feet, maybe
you saw through some other’s eyes, maybe for a moment you experienced so much
so, you forgot?
This workshop offers its participants a space to digest everything felt and seen throughout the festival, the feelings and the new incipient ideas. It offers bodily and poetic tools to digest this soul food. The workshop is held by two spoken word poets Elsa Tölli and Veera Milja, who draw from their own spoken word poetry practices, on how to mold experiences into something new, tangible and movable. In the workshop, you will try out small somatic practices, relaxation exercises and draft texts through different methods, sharing them outload, as a gift of inspiration to others. After, the texts created, can be used for your own artistic purposes. Prior experience of spoken word poetry or dance is not required. The workshop will be held in Finnish.
Elsa Tölli & Veera Milja
Veera Milja is a performing artist and a yoga teacher. Her first poem collection will be published on Spring 2022. Elsa Tölli is a poet and performing artist, whose first poem collection Fun Primavera was published 2020. The collection made history by winning a Dancing Bear – award by YLE, as a first self-publishing to ever win. Together the two have studied interfaces of body and performed poetry in their performance SOOMA (Poetry Moon -festival 2020). Both are founding members of Academy for Performance Poetry, which offers studies about spoken word and live poetry.
Kone Foundation Chamber, Tehtaankatu 21 B 45, 5th floor, 00150 Helsinki
SUN 14.11. at 12:00
Duration 4h (incl. a break)
Participation fee 25/15€
Photos: Elsa Tölli (left) and Aura Latva-Somppi (right)
Supported by: KSL Ry
In collaboration with: NVL – Nuoren Voiman Liitto