How can we initiate things with love and then simply let them be?
Continuing work of decentralizing the human in performative and regenerative situations, Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger will offer a planting-dance workshop where they will share their co-creative artistic practices in how to communicate with nature consciousness. This workshop is an invitation to dance a garden into existence. With bodies, seeds, bulbs, songs, whispers and worms participants will arrive to a place of deep connectivity and listening. Over the course of four days, participants will co-create a self-sustainable regenerative garden around Villa Eläintarha. On the last day of the workshop, an audience of humans and non-humans will be invited into a durational performative planting ritual. This workshop is an invitation to anyone with the desire to connect to nature in an embodied way. The entire workshop will take place outside and the language used is English.
Angela Schubot is a dancer, artist, choreographer, researcher and bodyworker-healer based in Berlin with roots in Peru and Canada. Jared Gradinger is a choreographer, artist, performer and gardener born in the USA and based in Berlin since 2002. Schubot and Gradinger first worked together in 2002 under the direction of Constanza Macras. Already then, they discovered a strong connection and common interest in purely physical yet very dynamic movement languages. They started to combine physical practices with philosophical and even esoteric discourse. The topic for their collaboration was the debordering of the body and starting point was the search for an unconditional togetherness to escape from one’s own identity. From 2009 until 2013, they have created 4 full-length works: What they are instead of (2009), Is maybe (2012), Dying together and I hope you die soon (2013) and All my holes are theirs (2013).
As a duo Schubot/Gradinger’s desire to acknowledge and interact with non-human beings and open up their unconditional togetherness to the non-human realm and brought into a deep immersion with plants and nature. Since 2017, they have been ‘co-creating’ performances with Nature. These works are a sensitive plea for the dissolution of the human-nature dichotomy and an attempt of a hierarchy-free co-existence through real encounters and radical experimentation.
Around Villa Eläintarha, Eläintarhantie 14, 00530 Helsinki/Tokoinranta
NB! Schedule changed
WED-THU 14:00-17:00
FRI 15:00-19:00
Participation fee 150€ (incl. 30€ material costs)
If you are interested in a scholarship and you are a professional or a student of performing arts, send us a simple email telling us who you are and why would you like to participate to
Language of the workshop is English.
Photo: Jared Gradinger
Visit Supported by: TelepART Mobility Support Platform & Finnland-Institut in Deutschland and Goethe-Institut Finnland